

intuitive. powerful. touchable.

Know the Details.

We want you to know exactly how to use each and every function RK-83 offers. After you see how a function works, follow it to a sample problem to see how to apply it.

The List

abs( list ⋅ matrix ⋅ number ) absolute value click for more

Returns the absolute value of each element if the argument is a list or a matrix.

angle( number ) complex phase angle click for more

Returns the complex phase angle of the argument.

cos( list ⋅ number ) cosine click for more

Returns the cosine of each element if the argument is a list. In a right triangle, tex:\cos(x) = \text{adjacent}/\text{hypotenuse} .

cosh( number ) hyperbolic cosine click for more

Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the argument.

coshinv( number ) inverse hyperbolic cosine click for more

Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the argument.

cosinv( list ⋅ number ) inverse cosine click for more

Returns the inverse cosine of each element if the argument is a list.

cot( number ) cotangent click for more

Returns the cotangent of the argument.

csc( number ) cosecant click for more

Returns the cosecant of the argument.

dim( list ) dimensions click for more

Returns the number of elements in a list, or if the argument is a matrix, returns a two-element list {num rows, num cols}

exp( number ) exponential function click for more

Returns the exponential function of the argument.

fPart( number ) fractional part click for more

Returns the fractional part of the argument.

imag( number ) imaginary part click for more

Returns the imaginary part of the argument.

iPart( number ) integer part click for more

Returns the integer part of the argument.

lg( number ) logarithm base 2 click for more

Returns the logarithm base 2 of the argument.

ln( number ) logarithm base e click for more

Returns the logarithm base e of the argument.

log( number ) logarithm base 10 click for more

Returns the logarithm base 10 of the argument.

max( list ) maximum element click for more

Returns the largest element in the argument.

mean( list ) arithmetic mean click for more

Returns the mean of the elements in the argument.

min( list ) minimum element click for more

Returns the smallest element in the argument.

nDeriv( expression , variable , value , [ epsilon ] ) numerical derivative click for more

Returns the derivative of tex:f(\text{variable}) = \text{expression} evaluated at the point tex:\text{variable} = \text{value} . tex:\frac{df}{dx}(val) = \frac{f(val + eps) - f(val - eps)}{2*eps}

real( number ) real part click for more

Returns the real part of the argument.

sec( number ) secant click for more

Returns the secant of the argument.

sin( list ⋅ number ) sine click for more

Returns the sine of each element if the argument is a list. In a right triangle, tex:\sin(x) = \text{opposite}/\text{hypotenuse} .

sinh( number ) hyperbolic sine click for more

Returns the hyperbolic sine of the argument.

sinhinv( number ) inverse hyperbolic sine click for more

Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the argument.

sininv( list ⋅ number ) inverse sine click for more

Returns the inverse sine of each element if the argument is a list.

sortA( list ) sorted copy (ascending order) click for more

Returns a copy of the argument, sorted in ascending order.

sortD( list ) sorted copy (descending order) click for more

Returns a copy of the argument, sorted in descending order.

sqrt( list ⋅ number ) square root click for more

Returns the square root of each element if the argument is a list.

stdDev( list ) sample standard deviation click for more

the sample standard deviation tex:s of a data set that takes on tex:N values tex:x_1, x_2, \dots x_N is an unbiased estimator for the standard deviation of a population. If tex:\bar{x} denotes the mean, tex:stdDev(X) is given by the following. tex:s = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N-1}\sum_{i=1}^{N} \left(x_i - \bar{x} \right)^2}

sum( list ) summation click for more

Sum of the elements in a list.

tan( list ⋅ number ) tangent click for more

Returns the tangent of each element if the argument is a list. In a right triangle, tex:\tan(x) = \text{opposite}/\text{adjacent} .

tanh( number ) hyperbolic tangent click for more

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the argument.

tanhinv( number ) inverse hyperbolic tangent click for more

Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the argument.

taninv( list ⋅ number ) inverse tangent click for more

Returns the inverse tangent of each element if the argument is a list.